Plans to re-open campus safely

After months of careful planning and in consultation with medical professionals, the Maine Department of Education, the Maine CDC and local public health officials, Carrabassett Valley Academy is pleased to open its campus this fall. On August 30 we will welcome 65 student athletes, about half of whom are boarding students, for full-time in person academic and athletic programming.

There is no greater priority than the health and safety of our students, staff, and local community. Stringent health and safety measures have been put in place to ensure a safe repopulation of campus, mitigation of Covid-19 risk and virus containment, if needed. 

In the weeks leading up to the beginning of school, all students and employees have engaged in self quarantine and will be tested for Covid-19. Proof of a negative Covid-19 test is required in order to enter campus. In addition, all community members will be tested on the first day of school and again on the 10th day of school.

Protocols have been developed for mitigating risk, controlling our environment and caring for ill community members. There will be daily health checks, and face coverings, physical distancing, and hand hygiene will be emphasized.  Indoor spaces have been adjusted to allow for social distancing in classrooms, dining areas and common rooms. Outdoor classrooms and training spaces have been created to encourage outdoor learning, meeting, and training. Food service has shifted to single serve and served items and kitchen areas have been outfitted with Plexiglas. Steps have been taken to increase ventilation in all indoor spaces and cleaning and disinfecting of high touch areas will be increased.

Plans for two traditional activities related to the first week of school have also been addressed.  We’re redesigning the registration day experience to eliminate indoor programming for parents, several of the topics will be covered electronically or at a later date.  Staff is also ensuring our student orientation trips can be held with social distancing among ourselves and with little or no mixing with the public population.

With our aggressive testing plan, conscientious behavior including mask wearing, social distancing, and hand hygiene, and restricted movements, we have every reason to believe we will begin the school year with a healthy population and maintain it throughout the fall. 